IT13533Abbott C (2001) Some young male web site owners: the technological aesthete, the community builder and the professional activistSelect
EN96 Allen and Thompson, 1995, Analysis of Networking on Computer-Assisted Collaborative Writing in a Fifth Grade Classroom Select
IT13534Baker E A (2001) The nature of literacy in a technology-rich, fourth-grade classroomSelect
EN141 Bigum et al (1997), Digital Rhetorics Select
IT13535Casey J M (2001) A path to literacy: empowering students in your classroomSelect
EN124 Clouse, R. 1992: Teaching and learning with computers: a classroom analysis Select
EN122 Collins, J, 1993: Beyond the Word Processor: Computer-Mediated Communication with Pupils and Teachers Select
EN137 Erickson et al (1992): Telecommunications promotes summer reading and writing: a pilot project report Select
EN121 Ewing, J, 2000: Enhancement of Online and Offline Student Learning Select
EN107 Garner, Tan and Zhao, 2000: Why write? Select
EN98 Golden, Gersten and Woodward, 1990, Effectiveness of Guided Practice during Remedial Reading Instruction: An Application of Computer-managed Instruction Select
IT13537KcKeon C A et al (2001) E-mail as a motivating literacy event for one struggling reader: Donna's caseSelect
EN105 Love, K. (1998). Old cyborgs, young cyborgs (and those in between) Select
EN127 McKeon and Burkey (1998), 'A Literature Based E-Mail Collaborative' Select
EN138 McNamee, G (1995): A Vygotskian Perspective on Literacy Development Select
EN125 Moore and Karabenick, 'The Effects of Computer Communications on the Reading and Writing Performance of Fifth-Grade Students' Select
IT13538Morgan W (2001) Computers for literacy: making the difference?Select
EN104 Morgan, W. (1997). From the margins to the centre: schools on line Select
IT13539Nettelbeck D (2000) Using information technology to enrich the learning experiences of secondary English studentsSelect
EN123 Peyton, J K, 1991: Electronic Communication for DEveloping the Literacy Skills of Elementary School Students: The Case of ENFI Select
EN126 Spaulding and Lake (1992), 'Interactive Effects of Computer Network and Student Characteristics on Students' Writing and Collaborating' Select
EN140 Stuhlmann and Taylor: Analyzing the Impact of Telecommunications on Learning Outcomes in Elementary Classrooms Select
IT13540Watts M and Lloyd C (2001) Evaluating a classroom multimedia programme in the teaching of literacySelect
IT13541Wishart E (1994) Using a TTNS electronic mailbox in a junior class: a case studySelect