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IT11326Jackson B. (1989) A Comparison Between Computer-Based and Traditional Assessment Tests, and Their Effects on Pupil Learning and ScoringSelect
IT11345Kumar D. White A. & Helgeson S., (1993) Effect of HyperCard and Traditional Performance Assessment Methods on Expert-Novice Chemistry Problem Solving.Select
IT11330Littleton K. et al (1998) Gender, Task Scenarios and Children's Computer-Based Problem SolvingSelect
IT11331Masterman L.& Sharples M. (2002) A theory-informed framework for designing software to support reasoning about causation in historySelect
IT11332McFarlane A. et al (2000) Assessment and multimedia authoring - a tool for externalising understandingSelect
IT11333Means B.Penuel B.& Quellmalz E. (2000) Developing Assessments for Tomorrow's ClassroomsSelect
IT11334O'Neil H et al (1999) Computer-Based Collaborative Knowledge Mapping to Measure Team Processes and Team OutcomesSelect
IT11335Osmundson E. et al (1999) Knowledge Mapping in the Classroom: A Tool for Examining the Development of Students' Conceptual UnderstandingsSelect
IT11336Schacter J. (1997) Feasibility of a Web-Based Assessment of Problem SolvingSelect
IT11337Schacter J. et al (1999) Computer-based performance assessments: a solution to the narrow measurement and reporting of problem-solvingSelect
IT11339Tzuriel D.& Shamir A. (2002) The effects of mediation in computer assisted dynamic assessment.Select