| Study | Select |
IT11344 | DeCosta, S.B. (1992) Sociological findings in young children's word-processed writings | Select |
IT11342 | Lin, A., Podell, D.M. & Rein, N. (1991) The effects of CAI on word recognition in mildly handicapped and nonhandicapped learners. | Select |
IT11243 | Nwogu, K & Nwogu, E (1992) Computers and ESL in the West Midlands | Select |
IT11347 | Parr, J.M. (1997) Computer-assisted learning with an integrated learning system: Another front for raising literacy and numeracy amongst secondary students? | Select |
IT11776 | Silver, N.W. & Repa, J.T. (1993) The effect of word processing on the quality of writing and self-esteem of secondary school English-as-second-language students: writing without censure. | Select |
IT11394 | Sinatra, R., Beaudry, J., Pizzo, J. & Geisert, G. (1994) Using a computer-based semantic mapping, reading, and writing approach with at-risk fourth graders | Select |
IT11346 | Van Haalen, T. and Bright, G.W. (1993). Writing and revising by bilingual students in traditional and word processing environments. | Select |
IT11391 | Williams, H.S. and Williams, P.N. (2000) Integrating reading and computers: An approach to improve EFL students reading skills | Select |