| Study | Select |
IT11894 | Burn, A & Parker, D (2001) Making your Mark: Digital Inscription, Animation and a New Visual Semiotic | Select |
IT11855 | Burn, A and Reed, K (1999) Digiteens: media literacies and digital technologies in the secondary classroom | Select |
IT11886 | Burn, A et al (2001) The Rush of Images: a Research Report into Digital Editing and the Moving Image | Select |
IT11885 | Burn, A, (2000) 'Repackaging the Slasher Movie: digital unwriting of film in the classroom' | Select |
IT11875 | Mackereth, M and Anderson, J (2000) Computers, video games and literacy: What do girls think? | Select |
IT11883 | McClay, J (2002) Hidden 'Treasure': New Genres, New Media and the Teaching of Writing | Select |
IT11884 | O'Brien, D, Springs, R, and Stith, D (2002) Engaging At-Risk High-School Students: Literacy LEarning in a High School Literacy Lab | Select |
IT11868 | Parker, D (2002) Show Us a Story: An Overview of Recent Research and Resource Development Work at the British Film Institute | Select |
IT11235 | Parker, David (1999) Parker, D (1999) You've Read the Book, Now Make the Film: Moving Image, Print Literacy and Narrative | Select |
IT11860 | Vincent, J (2001) The role of visually rich technology in facilitating children's writng | Select |