| Study | Select |
IT18077 | Aulls, MW (2003) The influence of a reading and writing curriculum on transfer learning across subjects and grades | Select |
IT15616 | Bateman DR & Zidonis FJ (1966) The effect of a study of transformational grammar on the writing of ninth and tenth graders | Select |
IT15621 | Calkins LM (1979) When children want to punctuate: basic skills belong in context (research report) | Select |
IT15622 | Combs WE & Wilhelmsen K (1979) In-class 'action' research benefits research, teacher and students | Select |
IT16194 | Combs WE (1976) Further effects of sentence-combining practice on writing ability | Select |
IT15625 | Elley WB, Barham IH, Lamb H, Wyllie M (1975) The role of grammar in a secondary school curriculum | Select |
IT15628 | Fogel H, Ehri LC (2000) Teaching elementary students who speak black English vernacular to write in standard English: Effects of dialect transformation practice | Select |
IT15631 | Gordon CJ (1990) Contexts for expository text structure use | Select |
IT18078 | Green, S and Sutton, P (2003) What do children think as they plan their writing? | Select |
IT16289 | Hilfman T (1970) Can second grade children write more complex sentences? | Select |
IT18080 | Holdich CE, Chung PWH, Holdich RG (2004) Improving children's written grammar and style: revising and editing with HARRY | Select |
IT16104 | Hunt KW and O'Donnell R (1970) An elementary school curriculum to develop better writing skills | Select |
IT15645 | MacNeill TB (1982) The effect of sentence-combining practice on the development of reading comprehension and the written syntactic skills of ninth grade students | Select |
IT15649 | McAfee D (1981) Effect of sentence combining on fifth grade reading and writing achievement | Select |
IT15650 | McNeill JH (1994) Instruction for deaf students in syntactic cohesion | Select |
IT15651 | Mellon J (1969) Transformational sentence combining. Research report no 10 | Select |
IT15652 | Melvin MP (1980) The effects of sentence combining instruction on syntactic maturity, reading achievement, and language arts skills achievement | Select |
IT15999 | Miller BD and Ney JW (1967) Oral drills and writing improvement in the fourth grade | Select |
IT15655 | Ney JW (1976) Sentence combining and reading | Select |
IT15657 | Nutter N & Safran SP (1983) Sentence combining and the learning disabled student | Select |
IT15658 | O'Hare F (1973) Sentence combining: improving student writing without formal grammar instruction. Research report no 15. | Select |
IT15659 | Pedersen EL (1978) Sentence-combining practice: training that improves student writing | Select |
IT15663 | Roberts CM & Boggase BA (1992) Non-intrusive grammar in writing | Select |
IT15664 | Robinson CF (1978) An investigation of new rhetoric lessons for improved written composition on the secondary school level | Select |
IT15666 | Rousseau MK & Poulson CL (1985) Using sentence-combining to teach the use of adjectives in writing to severely behaviorally disordered students | Select |
IT15667 | Rousseau MK (1989) Increasing the use of compound predicates in the written compositions of students with mild learning handicaps | Select |
IT18081 | Saddler B, Graham S (2004, forthcoming) The effects of peer-assisted sentence-combining instruction on the writing performance of more and less skilled young writers | Select |
IT15668 | Satterfield J & Powers A (1996) Write on!: journals open to success | Select |
IT15673 | Stock R (1980) The effect of teaching sentence patterns on the written sentence structures of grade two children | Select |
IT15674 | Stoddard EP & Renzulli JS (1983) Improving the writing skills of talent pool students | Select |
IT15675 | Stone AK & Serwatka TS (1982) Reducing syntactic errors in written responses of a retarded adolescent through oral patterning | Select |
IT18082 | Thompson CL and Middleton M (1973) Transformational grammar and inductive teaching as determinants of structurally complex writing | Select |
IT16000 | Vitale MR, King FJ, Shontz DW, Huntley GM (1971) Effect of sentence-combining exercises upon several restricted written composition tasks | Select |
IT15683 | Welch M (1992) The PLEASE strategy: a metacognitive learning strategy for improving the paragraph writing of students with mild learning disabilities | Select |