| Study | Select |
IT36552 | Back, J. (2005) Talking to each other: pupils and teachers in primary mathematics classrooms | Select |
IT36553 | Black, L. (2004a) Differential participation in whole-class discussions and the construction of marginalised identities | Select |
IT36554 | Black, L. (2006) Young children’s perspectives on whole class discussions | Select |
IT36555 | Bold, C. (2002) Making sense of mathematical language in a primary classroom | Select |
IT36556 | Coles, A. (2002) Teaching Strategies related to listening and hearing in two secondary classrooms | Select |
IT36557 | Hadjidemetriou, C. and Williams, J. (2003) Teachers’ theories and strategies in practice of classroom argumentation | Select |
IT23208 | Jones, S. and Tanner, H. (2002) Teachers' interpretations of effective whole-class interactive teaching in secondary mathematics classrooms | Select |
IT36558 | Mercer, N. and Sams, C. (2006) Teaching children how to use language to solve maths problems | Select |
IT36559 | Myhill, D. (2006) Talk, talk, talk: teaching and learning in whole class discourse | Select |
IT36560 | Pratt, N. (2006) ‘Interactive’ teaching in numeracy lessons: what do children have to say? | Select |
IT36561 | Ryan, J., Kassem, D. and Sarland, C. (2003) What teachers learn from children’s mathematical arguments in discussion: moving to a new pedagogical model | Select |
IT36563 | Smith, F., Hardman, F., Wall, K. and Mroz, M. (2004) Interactive whole class teaching in the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies | Select |
IT36562 | Smith, H. and Higgins, S. (2006) Opening classroom interaction: the importance of feedback | Select |
IT36564 | Tanner, H. and Jones, S. (2000) Scaffolding for success: reflective discourse and the effective teaching of mathematical thinking skills | Select |
IT36565 | Wilson, L., Andrew, C. and Below, J. (2006) A comparison of teacher/pupil interaction within mathematics lessons in St. Petersburg, Russia and the North-East of England | Select |