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ITT580054 | Bailey, Kathleen A. (1999) The effects of social skills training and reciprocal social skills training with parent/guardian(s) on behavior and recidivism of first time adjudicated youth. | Select |
ITT570520 | Bailey, Kathleen A; Ballard, James David; Wolfe, Suzanne E (2001) Community Probation for Juvenile Offenders: Important Lessons of Coordinated Enforcement Programs | Select |
ITT579738 | Blechman, Elaine A; Maurice, Araya; Buecker, Betsy; Helberg, Clay. (2000) Can mentoring or skill training reduce recidivism? Observational study with propensity analysis. | Select |
ITT570329 | Bowers DA , (2002) Juvenile Corrections in the Institution versus the Community: The Experience of a Sample of Alabama Youth | Select |
ITT640809 | Butts J, Buck J, Coggeshall M (2002) The impact of teen court on young offenders - Alaska | Select |
IT37663 | Butts J, Buck J, Coggeshall M (2002) The impact of teen court on young offenders - Arizona | Select |
IT37664 | Butts J, Buck J, Coggeshall M (2002) The impact of teen court on young offenders - Maryland | Select |
IT37665 | Butts J, Buck J, Coggeshall M (2002) The impact of teen court on young offenders - Missouri | Select |
ITT640806 | Drake E, Barnoski R (2006b) The effects of parole on recidivism: Juvenile offenders resleased from Washington State Institutions, Final report | Select |
ITT558443 | Eddy, J M; Whaley, R B; Chamberlain, P (Mar 2004) The Prevention of Violent Behavior by Chronic and Serious Male Juvenile Offenders: A 2-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial | Select |
ITT537294 | Florsheim P, Behling S, South M, Fowles T, DeWitt J (2004) Does the youth corrections system work? Tracking the effectiveness of intervention efforts with delinquent boys in state custody | Select |
ITT554092 | Forgays, Deborah K; DeMilio, Lisa (Feb 2005) Is teen court effective for repeat offenders a test of the restorative justice approach | Select |
ITT597559 | Franklin, Glen A.; Pucci, Pamela S.; Arbabi, Samam (2002) Decreased juvenile arson and firesetting recidivism after implementation of a multidisciplinary prevention program | Select |
IT25956 | Guarino-Ghezzi. S;Kimball LM; (1998) Juvenile sex offenders in treatment | Select |
ITT593700 | Hanlon, Thomas E; Bateman, Richard W; Simon, Betsy D; O'Grady, Kevin E; Carswell, Steven B (December 2002) Early Community-Based Intervention for the Prevention of Substance Abuse and Other Delinquent Behavior | Select |
ITT570832 | Josi, A; Sechrest, DK (1999) A Pragmatic Approach to Parole Aftercare: Evaluation of a Community Reintegration Program for High-Risk Youthful Offenders | Select |
ITT563120 | Kadish, Tara E; Glaser, Brian A; Risler, Edwin A; Calhoun, Georgia B (Apr 1999) Counseling Juvenile Offenders: A Program Evaluation. | Select |
ITT578802 | Kelley, Thomas M; Kennedy, Daniel B; Homant, Robert J. (2003) Evaluation of an Individualized Treatment Program for Adolescent Shoplifters. [References]. | Select |
ITT621137 | Kelly, W. (2001) An Outcome Evaluation of the Texas Youth Commission's Chemical Dependency Treatment Program | Select |
ITT555499 | King, W R; Holmes, S T; Henderson, M L; Latessa, E J (Oct 2001) The community corrections partnership: examining the long-term effects of youth participation in an Afrocentric diversion program | Select |
ITT558220 | Leve, Leslie D; Chamberlain, Patricia; Reid, John B (Dec 2005) Intervention Outcomes for Girls Referred from Juvenile Justice: Effects on Delinquency | Select |
ITT578214 | Litter, Michael. (2005) Relationship-based psychotherapy with court-involved youth: The therapy relationship's effect on outcome. | Select |
ITT617866 | lobley D, Smith D, Stern C (1999) Working with persistent juvenile offenders: An evaluation of the Apex CueTen project | Select |
ITT617867 | Lobley D, Smith D, Stern C (2001) Freagarrach: An evaluation of a project for persistent juvenile offenders | Select |
ITT593466 | Martin, Christine; Lurigio, Arthur J; Olson, David E (June 2003) Examination of Rearrests and Reincarcerations Among Discharged Day Reporting Center Clients | Select |
ITT556017 | Minor, K I; Wells, J B; Soderstrom, I R; Bingham, R; Williamson, D (Oct 1999) Sentence completion and recidivism among juveniles referred to teen courts | Select |
IT21755 | Morral AR;McCaffrey DF;Ridgeway G; (2004 Oct) Effectiveness of community-based treatment for substance-abusing adolescents: 12-month outcomes of youths entering phoenix academy or alternative probation dispositions | Select |
ITT591757 | Myers WC, Burton P, Sanders PD, Donat KM, Cheney JO, Fitzpatrick TM, Monaco L (2000) Project Back-on-Track at 1 Year: A Delinquency Treatment Program for | Select |
ITT554082 | Nee, Claire; Ellis, Tom (Feb 2005) Treating offending children: what works? | Select |
ITT556091 | Nichols, G (May 1999) Developing a rationale for sports counselling projects | Select |
ITT594663 | Patrick, S; Marsh, R (2005) Juvenile Diversion: Results of a 3-Year Experimental Study | Select |
ITT555588 | Ryan, J P; Davis, R K; Yang, H (May 2001) Reintegration services and the likelihood of adult imprisonment: a longitudinal study of adjudicated delinquents | Select |
ITT594867 | Scott KK, Tepas JJ, Frykberg E, Taylor PM, Plotkin AJ (2002) Turning point: rethinking violence--evaluation of program efficacy in reducing adolescent violent crime recidivism. | Select |
ITT570855 | Slonim-Nevo, Vered (1999) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Juvenile Probation Officers: An Israeli Study | Select |
ITT594897 | St Lawrence JS, Crosby RA, Belcher L, Yazdani N, Brasfield TL (1999) Sexual risk reduction and anger management interventions for incarcerated male adolescents: A randomized controlled trial of two interventions. | Select |
ITT617868 | Vignaendra S, Fitzgerald J (2006) Reoffending among young people cautioned by police or who participated in a youth justice conference | Select |
ITT579266 | Weisz, Victoria; Lott, Roger C; Thai, Nghi D. (2002) A teen court evaluation with a therapeutic jurisprudence perspective. [References]. | Select |
ITT537300 | Welsh WN, Jenkins PH, Harris PW (1999) Reducing minority overrepresentation in juvenile justice: results of community-based delinquency prevention in Harrisburg | Select |
IT25362 | Worling JR;Curwen T; (2000) Adolesecent Sexual Offender Recidivism: Success of Specialized Treatment and Implications for Risk Prediction | Select |
ITT580295 | Youngbauer, John Gerard. (1998) The teaching-family model and treatment durability: Assessing generalization using survival analysis techniques. | Select |