| Study | Select |
IT24650 | Alouf JL; (2003) Assessing the Impact of Inquiry-Based Science Teaching in Professional Development Activities, PK-12 | Select |
IT24667 | Atay D; (2004) Collaborative dialogue with student teachers as a follow-up to teacher in-service education and training | Select |
IT11778 | Bainer D; () The impact of reform-based partnerships on attitudes toward environmental science and partnering and on classroom instruction | Select |
IT17700 | Barnette JJ et al; (1995) QUILT: an innovative approach to effective instructional improvement | Select |
IT16663 | Boudah DJ, Blair E, Mitchell VJ (2003) Implementing and sustaining strategies instruction: authentic and effective professional development or "Business as Usual"? | Select |
IT17707 | Boyle RA; Skopp L; (1998) Teachers as inquirers: constructing a model of best practice | Select |
IT24645 | Bradley-Klug KL;Shapiro ES;DuPaul GJ; (1997) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Kids in the Middle: A Field Test of a School-Based Consultation Model | Select |
IT24633 | Brown CJ;Rojan A; () Teacher Leadership Project 2002: Evaluation Report | Select |
IT11353 | Bryant DP et al (2001) The effects of professional development for middle schools general and special education teachers on implementation of reading strategies in inclusive content area classes | Select |
IT24659 | Bryant DP;Vaughn S;Linan-Thompson S;Ugel N;Hamff A;Hougen M; (2000) Reading Outcomes for Students with and without Reading Disabilities in General Education Middle-School Content Area Classes | Select |
IT25233 | Calderon (1995) Dual language programs and team-teachers' professional development | Select |
IT24664 | Cho J; (2002) The development of an alternative in-service programme for Korean science teachers with an emphasis on science-technology-society | Select |
IT24647 | Cleland JV;Wetzel KA;Zambo R;Buss RR;Rillero P; (1999) Science Integrated with Mathematics Using Language Arts and Technology: A Model for Collaborative Professional Development | Select |
IT11786 | Cooney TJ;Shealy BE; (1995) Teachers' thinking and rethinking assessment practices | Select |
IT24651 | Cuckle P;Shorrocks-Taylor D; (2005) Evaluation of an initiative to raise reading attainment in key stage one national tests | Select |
IT17711 | Daigle MA; (2000) The learner-centred classroom: helping teachers apply constructivist principles to standards-based teaching and assessment | Select |
IT24649 | DeMulder EK; (2003) Teachers voices on reflective practice | Select |
IT17714 | Devlin-Scherer W et al; (1998) Action research in professional development schools: effects on student learning | Select |
IT17715 | Donnelly FC; Helion J; Fry F; (1999) Modifying teacher behaviours to promote critical thinking in K-12 physical education | Select |
IT11357 | Ertmer PA;Hruskocy C: Impacts of a University-elementary school partnership designed to support technology integration | Select |
IT17717 | Farmer JD; Gerretson H; Lassak M; (2003) What teachers take from professional development: cases and implications | Select |
IT24663 | Fine JC;Kossack SW; (2002) The Effect of Using Rubric-Embedded Cognitive Coaching Strategies To Initiate Learning Conversations | Select |
IT17718 | Fortino C;Gerretson H;Button LJ;Johnson S; S; (2002) Using literacy inegration for communicating scientifically: research results on teacher efficacy and student achievement | Select |
IT24635 | Garcia LP; (1999) Helping Teachers Increase the Use of Multimedia Instructional Technology into the Curriculum through Staff Development Workshops | Select |
IT17720 | George MA; (2001) Teachers learning together: faculty book clubs as professional development in an urban middle school | Select |
IT17725 | Greenwood A;Haury D; (1995) Putting the science back into science education through the science education program and leadership (SEPAL) model | Select |
IT24665 | Greenwood CR; (2003) A Building-Based Case Study of Evidence-Based Literacy Practices: Implementation, Reading Behavior, and Growth in Reading Fluency, K-4 | Select |
IT24642 | Hamilton ML;Richardson V; (1995) Effects of the Culture in Two Schools on the Process and Outcomes of Staff Development | Select |
IT11360 | Harvey S: (1999) The impact of coaching in South African primary science InSET | Select |
IT11361 | Harwell SH et al: (2001) Technology Integration and the classroom Learning Environment: Research for Action | Select |
IT24640 | Heath M;Burns M;Dimock KV;Burniske J;Menchaca M;Ravitz J; (2000) Applying Technology to Restructuring and Learning. Final Research Report | Select |
IT17731 | Henson RK; (2001) The effects of participation in teacher research on teacher efficacy | Select |
IT11794 | Hodson D; (1998) Becoming critical about practical work: changing views and changing practice through action research | Select |
IT24638 | Hruskocy C;Ertmer PA;Johnson T;Cennamo KS; (1997) Students as Technology Experts: A 'Bottom-Up' Approach to Teacher Technology Development | Select |
IT24631 | Hurst RW; (1999) Assessing the Impact of a Teacher Enhancement Program on Classroom Environment | Select |
IT24660 | Jacobsen D; (2001) Building different bridges: technology integration, engaged student learning, and new approaches to professional development | Select |
IT25412 | Johnson, CC (2002) The Wright State Model School initiative: A summary of efforts made to scale up reform in mathematics and science | Select |
IT11362 | Kimmel H et al:(1999) Meeting the Needs of Diverse Student Populations: Comprehensive Professional Development in Science, Math, and Technology | Select |
IT24652 | Klingner J; (2004) Collaborative Strategic Reading: 'Real-World' Lessons From Classroom Teachers | Select |
IT24628 | Lacey CH;Enger JM;Maldonado NL; () Sharing a Model of Accountability: The Tri-County Charter School Partnership Evaluation | Select |
IT11800 | Lee CK;Chew J;Ng M;Hing TS; (1999) Teachers' use of cooperative learning in their classrooms: case studies of four elementary school teachers | Select |
IT17740 | Lin PJ; (2002) On enhancing teachers' knowledge by constructing cases in classrooms | Select |
IT24661 | Lin SW; (2002) Improving Science Teaching through Teacher Development Group: A Case Study of Elementary Teachers | Select |
IT11802 | Lloyd JK;Braund M;Crebbin C;Phipps R; (2000) Primary Teachers' Confidence about and Understanding of Process Skills | Select |
IT11804 | Luft JA; (2001) Changing inquiry practices and beliefs: the impact of an inquiry-based professional development programme on beginning and experienced science teachers | Select |
IT24646 | Luft JA;Pizzini EL; (1998) The Demonstration Classroom In-Service: Changes in the Classroom | Select |
IT24644 | MacArthur CA; (1995) Mentoring: An Approach to Technology Education for Teachers | Select |
IT17325 | Martin DS, Craft A, Sheng, ZN (2001) The impact of cognitive strategy instruction of deaf learners: an international comparative study | Select |
IT17745 | Martin DS; (1997) Teachers of thinking: a cross-cultural study of effects on professionals | Select |
IT24636 | Martin PS;Baxter AG; () Mentoring African American Middle School Students: Applying Principles of Antiracism Education to the Problem of Closing the Black-White Achievement Gap | Select |
IT17326 | McCutchen D et al (2002) Beginning literacy: links among teacher knowledge, teacher practice, and student learning | Select |
IT11806 | McLymont EF;Costa JL; (1998) Cognitive coaching and the vehicle for professional development and teacher collaboration | Select |
IT17327 | Mink DV, Fraser BJ (2002) Evaluation of a K-5 mathematics program which integrates children's literature: classroom environment, achievement and attitudes | Select |
IT17749 | Morin F; L; S; (1998) The effects of professional development on teachers' abilities to implement planned educational change in the context of Sherwood School's Project Learn: a report on Year one of the study | Select |
IT24629 | Murphy C;Beggs J;Carlisle K; (2003) The Impact of Co-teaching between Science Student Teachers and Primary Classroom Teachers on Children's Enjoyment and Learning of Science and Student Teacher Confidence | Select |
IT24634 | Nover SM;Andrews JF;Everhart VS; (2001) Critical pedagogy in deaf education: Teachers' reflections on implementing ASL/English bilingual methodology and language assessment for deaf learners. Year 4 Report (2000-2001). USDLC Star Schools Project Report | Select |
IT24630 | O'Shea MR; (2002) Implementing State Academic Content Standards in the Classroom | Select |
IT24641 | Pligge MA;Kent LB;Spence MS; (2000) Examining Teacher Change within the Context of Mathematics Curriculum Reform: Views from Middle School Teachers | Select |
IT24662 | Race KEH;Ho E;Bower L; (2002) Documenting In-Classroom Support and Coaching Activities of a Professional Development Program Directed toward School-Wide Change: An Integral Part of an Organization's Evaluation Efforts | Select |
IT24656 | Reis SM;Gentry M;Maxfield LR; (1998) The Application of Enrichment Clusters to Teachers' Classroom Practices | Select |
IT17758 | Rodrigues S et al; (2003) Developing science and ICT pedagogical content knowledge: a model of continuing professional development | Select |
IT17960 | Sandholtz JH; (2001) Learning to teach with technology: a comparison of teacher development | Select |
IT24653 | Sawka KD;McCurdy BL;Mannella MC; (2002) Strengthening emotional support services: An empirically based model for training teachers of students with behavior disorders | Select |
IT24648 | Shapiro E;Miller D;Sawka K; (1999) Facilitating the inclusion of students with EBD into general education classrooms | Select |
IT24666 | Shepardson DP; (2003) The Effectiveness of the Envision Professional Development Model | Select |
IT24655 | Stein M; (1997) Assessing the Impact of an Urban Systemic Professional Development Program on Classroom Practice | Select |
IT24658 | Swafford JO;Jones GA;Thornton CA;Stump SL;Miller DR; (1999) The Impact on Instructional Practice of a Teacher Change Model | Select |
IT24632 | Taber SB; (1998) Learning To Teach Math Differently: The Effect of 'Investigations' Curriculum on Teachers' Attitudes and Practices | Select |
IT17772 | Turner-Bisset R;Nichol J; (1998) A sense of professionalism: the impact of 20-day courses in subject knowledge on the professional development of teachers | Select |
IT11824 | Turvey PJ; (1996) Providing inservice strategies to motivate and improve middle school teachers' use of inclusion teaching | Select |
IT11826 | Vaughn S;Hughes MT;Schumm JS;Klingner J; (1998) A Collaborative Effort to Enhance Reading and Writing Instruction in Inclusion Classrooms | Select |
IT17773 | Veenman S;Raemaekers J; L; (1995) Long-term effects of a staff-development program on effective instruction and classroom management for teachers in multi-grade classes | Select |
IT17777 | Wang JR; (2001) Improving elementary teachers' understanding of the nature of science and instructional practice | Select |
IT24637 | Wiliam D; (2002) Linking Research and Practice: Knowledge Transfer or Knowledge Creation? | Select |
IT11369 | Wilkins CW: (1997) Effects of a resident mentor teacher on student achievement in mathematics | Select |
IT11828 | Zetlin AG;MacLeod E;Michener D; (1998) Professional development of teachers of language minority students through university-school partnership | Select |